
本文最后更新于 7 个月前,文中所描述的信息可能已发生改变。


  1. 官方网站
  2. 代码仓库


  1. 生成project-config.jam
> ./bootstrap.sh
  1. 修改project-config.jam(位于第10行附近)
if ! gcc in [ feature.values <toolset> ]
   using gcc : : /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc ;
  1. 执行编译
> ./b2
  1. 安装
# 部分路径需要sudo权限
> ./b2 install --prefix=/opt/boost
# 查看支持的子模块
> ./bootstrap.sh --show-libraries
The Boost libraries requiring separate building and installation are:
    - atomic
    - chrono
    - cobalt
    - container
    - context
    - contract
    - coroutine
    - date_time
    - exception
    - fiber
    - filesystem
    - graph
    - graph_parallel
    - headers
    - iostreams
    - json
    - locale
    - log
    - math
    - mpi
    - nowide
    - program_options
    - python
    - random
    - regex
    - serialization
    - stacktrace
    - system
    - test
    - thread
    - timer
    - type_erasure
    - url
    - wave


Cross-compilation 交叉编译

参考链接:交叉编译 — Cross-compilation (boost.org)

Boost.Build supports cross compilation with the gcc and msvc toolsets. Boost.Build 支持与 gcc 和 msvc 工具集进行交叉编译。

When using gcc, you first need to specify your cross compiler in user-config.jam (see the section called “Configuration”), for example: 使用 gcc 时,首先需要在 user-config.jam (参见 “配置 ”部分) 中指定交叉编译器,例如:

using gcc : arm : arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++ ;

After that, if the host and target os are the same, for example Linux, you can just request that this compiler version to be used: 之后,如果主机和目标操作系统相同,例如 Linux,则只需请求使用此编译器版本即可:

b2 toolset=gcc-arm

If you want to target different operating system from the host, you need to additionally specify the value for the target-os feature, for example: 如果要面向与主机不同的操作系统,则需要另外指定 target-os 该功能的值,例如:

# On windows box
b2 toolset=gcc-arm target-os=linux
# On Linux box
b2 toolset=gcc-mingw target-os=windows

For the complete list of allowed opeating system names, please see the documentation for target-os feature. 有关允许的操作系统名称的完整列表,请参阅 target-os 功能的文档。

When using the msvc compiler, it’s only possible to cross-compiler to a 64-bit system on a 32-bit host. Please see the section called “64-bit support” for details. 使用 msvc 编译器时,只能交叉编译到 32 位主机上的 64 位系统。有关详细信息,请参阅“64 位支持”部分。

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